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Season 3 Archive
I Want To Sell My Screenplay!
Daniel Dercksen
Writing Studio

The Writing Studio receives tons of mails from writers who have written a screenplay and want to sell it.

Let’s examine this more closely: Selling your screenplay is not about selling a screenplay, but taking ownership of what you have written and developing your screenplay to its full potential so that it is ready to shake the marketplace and be developed to its full potential as a film, or perhaps even a TV series.

How Writers Get Agents and Managers
David Silverman
Hollywood Therapy

One of the most difficult tasks ahead of aspiring screenwriters is finding representation. Agents in today’s screenwriting marketplace are so busy scratching and clawing to get their established writers work, they have little time to grow “baby writers” who may or may not ever sell anything.

10 Reasons You Should Make a Web Series (Instead of an Indie Film)

Anna Kerrigan

In the winter of 2014, during the polar vortex in NYC, I walked into a restaurant called Freeman’s on the Lower East Side. A friend of mine was late for lunch, and as I sat there waiting, I struck up a conversation with the very tall, friendly hostess. That chance meeting set one of my favorite creative collaborations in motion.
How to Sell Your TV Series the Stranger Things Way
Ken Miyamoto

Matt and Ross Duffer started making movies in the third grade after their parents bought them a Hi8 video camera. “We just started filming anything and everything,” Matt Duffer told Entertainment Weekly. “And then, each summer, we made a feature-length movie. The first one was kind of unwatchable, but progressively, they got a little better and better.”

8 Ways To Get Your Script Read
David Silverman
Hollywood Therapy

Most unproduced writers don’t have an agent or a manager. How do they get their script to the right people? In many of these cases, it’s all about finding contact information for actors, producers and directors, assistant directors, production managers, and the rest.

14 Quotes from Industry Figures That Prove Writers Need Script Coverage Now, More Than Ever
Industrial Scripts

The times they are a’ changing, as Bob Dylan once said. Who’d have thought a few years ago that full blown movie stars would be appearing on TV? And within the most important part (screenwriting) of the whole process, script coverage now occupies a completely different position of importance to a few years ago.

Spec Scripts That Sold for Millions, but Were Never Made
Scott Myers
Go Into The Story
Perhaps the single most important set of pages in a screenplay is the first ten. They not only serve as a general introduction for the reader to the story universe, they also implant key specific narrative elements. The first ten pages either hook a reader’s interest or not. If they do, the reader will be predisposed favorably toward the remainder of the script. If not, a reader may already form a negative perception of the story, a hole out of which a writer will have dig to get positive coverage.
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